YMEX - Media Exchange
Magazine: Live IT
Month of Publication: February 2009
New trends are taking on social networking websites. There was also an array of friendly websites like batchmate.com, orkut.com etc; which attempted to connect lost friends. Yet others let you connect to new ones. There are some emerging social networks on the internet which are revolutionizing trends in connecting, and communication. These have helped turn social networking into a serious business.
YMEX.ORG deals with youth- produced digital media and with anything that has a social message to convey. It empowers the youth to create, share and discuss digital media about global issues
Youth Media Exchange (ymex.org) is a new social networking website that empowers youth worldwide to create, share, and discuss digital media about global issues. Through online social networking and digital media production, new ways of learning and collaborating emerge that enable youth to become a driving force in creating and shaping a shared future in an increasingly interconnected world. By creating collections of related resources and media, developing and displaying projects with peers in other countries, and responding and reflecting through online discussions, youth will build the digital media literacy skills and knowledge necessary for university and work in a global age. It also gives educators an opportunity to work with the youth media producers and collaborate on the content collaborators at ymex.org. Thus, allowing an informed approach to education and growth in media and media related aspects.
In a free wheeling interview Natalie Rodic (31 years) a Project Coordinator with ymex.org describes the utility of the website in detail and how to effectively make use of intelligent social networking websites. Natalie Rodic - Ymex.org
Tell us a little about yourself…
- I have a background in the performing arts as a performer myself but also as a teacher and a producer. But, I have made an exciting transition into digital media and global affairs for the last four years. I am interested in social justice issues and positive change from the inside out. I have lived in New York City almost nine years and have recently obtained my Master’s degree in International Affairs with a focus in Media in Development at which time I made a couple of documentary videos and expanded my knowledge of the complexities of international development as well as the potentials for media to be a positive force. I am both an American and a Croatian by citizenship, but consider myself a global citizen in spirit and have an insatiable appetite for travel and experiencing new places and the people within them.
What is your job profile at YMEX?
- As the Project Coordinator and Community Manager or ymex.org, I am involved with all the aspects of designing, developing, launching, and monitoring the website. But my main role is outreach and availability to all those involved: partners, youth media groups, and finally the ymex community.
Is it easy managing a website like YMEX?
- Since we haven’t launched yet, I am not sure. I can imagine it will not be easy, but it surely will be fun. Developing the website has been a challenge though because we are doing some really ground-breaking things there.
TIG has taken shape as one of the most prominent networking website with a purpose, then, why did you decide to come up with YMEX?
- Ymex.org is really collaboration between the creative minds of Global Kids, TakingITGlobal, and Asia Society. We knew we were going to be a good fit as partners, and we wanted to test out the platforms of social networks, but one that was really focused on digital media and learning. TakingITGlobal has a lot to offer, but it doesn’t really have that one niche focus like ymex.org has.
What does YMEX basically deal with, could you give us some examples…
- ymex.org basically deals with youth-produced digital media such as photos or digital artwork, video, games, songs, or podcasts, blogs, mash-ups, but all of those with a social message. The goal is to encourage young people’s experimentation with different kinds of media production tools, but also to inform them on issues that we can all relate to in our global community, whether it deals with an issue at the local or global level. Next, we are hoping members will make friends and collaborate on media productions with youth in other countries. An example would be: a high-school student in South Korea is in an after-school program learning how to make digital video. He is interested in the dilemma of access to drinking water in many places in the world after seeing a documentary film about this. Another high-school student in New Delhi has worked with villagers nearby on this very issue but has never made a video, and perhaps doesn’t have access to a camera. They meet on ymex.org, discovering they have a similar interest in an issue. Based on a proposal to complete a “quest” (that is a step-by-step learning activity) and make a public awareness campaign about access to water, these two decide to put their ideas and knowledge together and make a video for this quest.
What should a member do when he joins YMEX?
- First step is that he or she should edit their profile then become familiar with the website, seeing what media and resources others have posted. The next level is to start commenting on media that has been posted, start linking to the digital media that he or she knows about, find other people with similar interests. There are other exciting possibilities for engagement in groups, contest, and quests, but these I mentioned are the beginning steps for involvement.
What kind of participants are you looking at for the website? Is the website for everyone?
- We are really aiming for it to be a space for youth in the age range of 13 to 19 years old. And we are targeting outreach in China, India, South Korea, and the US. But all that said, we are not restricting the website at all, so anyone of any age can join. In looking at the list of those who have pre-registered, it looks like it is going to be very global in scope.
Some pointers to make effective use of the website.
- Experiment! Experiment! Play with the Resources that we will have listed. There is so much free open source software and so many online tools that the possibilities for creating digital media are endless – and free!
- Be brave. Meet others but also try to see how you can engage in meaningful conversations with them, and learn from each other.
- Enhance your ability to discuss media and global issues, make this a space where you can sharpen your critical thinking and discussing skills – and work on your English language skills too!
- Be sensitive and supportive of others. This is not only a website for award-winning documentaries, but also a space for those who are just getting their feet wet.
What do you stand to achieve with the website?
- As I mentioned before, we hope connections are made around the world, young people are able to sharpen their production and critical thinking skills – this can really help them in their higher education and career. But also in the big picture, we hope to contribute to the larger field of digital media and learning where there are a number of researchers and scholars who are trying to understand the affects of digital media on young people’s lives. In this world of increasing connectivity, it is only fair to youth that we acknowledge and try to harness the potential of IT and media for them and their futures.
You have chosen to launch this website primarily in India and China, any specific reason?
- Actually, you can add South Korea to the list as well. In quoting my colleague, Alexis Menten, at the Asia Society, “Asia and the United States have been connected geopolitically, economically, and culturally for centuries.” This is true, but also the level of interest in technology, media, and global education has been demonstrated in those countries. It seemed like a good place to start! We’ll expand outreach to other regions of the world in the next phase of the project if it proves to be successful and continue.
Would there be any content management in the website, to control what gets published and what does not?
- There is no approval process. Everything that is submitted to the website will go up immediately. We will monitor what has been posted, based on our guidelines. Anything inappropriate will be removed. The members will be able to flag content themselves.