Soul Song


Puja Goyal

There are poets who have written on nature, life, misery, death and fantasy. The Collected Poems of Robert Frost is one of his most distinguished works. His best known works were also his shortest…. One cannot forget the likes of Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, Mending Wall, Birches, Fire and Ice, or The Road Not Taken. He succeeded in realizing his life's aspiration: to write "a few poems it will be hard to get rid of."

Sylvia Plath wrote unforgettable poems concerning women's oppression, anger and upheaval. Her Collected Works, is the most startling and unsettling of her times. Plath wrote only two books before her suicide at the age of 31.

My Sister Life a collection by Boris Pasternak in 1917; is arguably the most influential collection of poetry published in Russian in the 20th century.

Joseph Rudyard Kipling, COLLECTED WORKS a compilation of poems, include Mandalay, and If— have inspired many.
