Walking on ROUTE 91 with Darius

Radio Jockeys are supposed to have a funny bone somewhere inside them. Puja Goyal recently caught up with Darius, RJ with Radio City Bangalore, and put him under the microscope to find out if funny is what funny does.

(Source: Vijay Times, BVT Pg 4.)
Copyright © 2005 Puja Goyal.

Most of my friends call me Dee but my family calls me ‘boocha’ for reasons even I can’t fathom

Your Super Powers lies...
Firmly in my family, up bringing and experiences they gave me

Worst nightmare?
Many drinks, one toilet, looong queue….

Worst thing to happen to a Jockey under pressure...
……to react how he would react in his nightmare!

A Jockey's most important equipment
Should be kept well polished!

What happens when the lights go off in the studio?
Nothing half as exciting as when the lights go off in my head!

Does it matter if you're wearing anything during the show?
Yes, some of my guests have been quite surprised…pleasantly, I’d like to imagine…..

One song you shouldn't croon on air?
My ears (and listeners’) say ‘ALL’, but my tongue has a mind of it’s own…which explains why the other one is usually so quiet.

How do you stop a caller from going on and on, on-air?
I answer long questionnaires for the practice.

Does it matter if you're colorblind?
Solution to many of the world's problems lie therein.

One thing a Jock can't do?
Lick his elbow

Your Tagline?
Someday..…. I'll be Bach

Signing off....
It’s fun knowing that’s you’re trying to lick your elbows even if you’ve read this pricky little fact before.
